Gateway to Central Asia
Safer - faster - cheaper

The goal is to transport at a minimum cost, short running times and with minimum delay by high efficiency regular rail service. The requirements are ensuring low turnaround times and on-time deliveries for nationally and internationally. Based on the service level of a block, ideally, in an optimal solution, a block train should take the shortest train route from its origin to its destination.

Further to our experience, we have been able to refine the BLOCK TRAIN concept: the individual rail cars in a train are now linked up with one another via flexible collecting lines. The entire train can be loaded or unloaded via a central connection on the tank crest, which minimizes the risk of leakage and handling errors, hereby improving the safety of transhipment operations.

ECO Container Block Train leaves every Friday from Haydarpaşa (İstanbul) through İran – Türkmenistan – Uzbekistan – Almaty (Kazakhstan) by 12 days transit time. Delivery to door service is given in each country. It is organized to delivery for Tajikistan, Kırgizistan and China by this train.

For economic, fruitful transport …